frequency village


Transforming communities, cultures and ecosystems


Increasing Life Force Energy on all layers, levels and dimensions

Our Commitment: As stewards of the Mother Earth, we recognize the interconnectedness of all life and the responsibility to preserve and enhance the well-being of future generations. By incorporating natural law principles into our planning and development, we aim to leave a positive legacy for our descendants, ensuring that they inherit a world that is vibrant, thriving, and abundant. Through intentional design and mindful stewardship, we commit to honoring the wisdom of our ancestors while pioneering innovative solutions that address the needs of the present whilst positively contributing to the needs of the future.

Purpose: Whole Systems Transition
Mission: Raising Vibrations; To increase Life Force Energy on all layers, levels and dimensions of reality.
Vision: A vibrant, enlightened, and interconnected planet where decentralized, biodiverse communities thrive in harmony with Mother Earth and each other, where all beings live their fullest authentic sovereign expression in great health, joy and abundance, resonating in the frequency of love, and united as ONE eternal cosmic family.

The 144: We are building a planetary network of 144 strategically located bioregional hubs, which will monitor, protect, preserve and enhance the 185 bioregions around the world. These 144 bioregional hubs will also be responsible for creating 999 communities each, totalling 144,000 over the next 7 generations.

Land Stewardship: Acquire, Protect, Preserve and Enhance

At Frequency Village, we hold a profound belief that we are not the owners of the land; rather, that the land owns us. Our role is to act as responsible custodians, maintaining a harmonious and respectful relationship with Mother Earth. This philosophy is deeply embedded in our principles and practices.

Our commitment to land stewardship is reflected in our agreements: 100% of the land we acquire will never be sold. Instead, it will be preserved in trust, ensuring its protection and conservation for many generations to come. By adhering to these principles, we aim to safeguard the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the land, allowing it to flourish and provide for future inhabitants.

In addition to acquiring and protecting land, we also focus on enhancing and preserving its natural state. This involves active efforts to restore and maintain the health of ecosystems, support biodiversity, and promote regenerative practices that honor the intrinsic value of the land.

At Frequency Village, our dedication to land stewardship is unwavering. We are committed to nurturing our relationship with the land, ensuring its preservation, and enhancing its vitality for the benefit of all, now and in the future.