
Maat Thornton

Cosmologist, Water Sommelier, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Water Protector, Hado, Aviator

human blueprint

Human Design - Generator 3/5 | Genekeys 39, 38, 21, 48


Maat is a veteran aviator of nearly 4 decades from operational test flying of next generation high-performance jets to traversing the globe commercially and is well versed in introducing new thinking in highly dynamic and challenging environments, with also a unique perspective and vantage point in viewing the cosmos and earth and everything in between. 

An emerging cosmologist merging studies in light, consciousness, water, language, evolutionary astrology, anthroposophy, Goethean science, biodynamics, biogeometry with spiritual history alongside the evolution of human consciousness.

Maat teaches a unique form of the internal arts of Tai Chi and Chi Kung as taught by Master Jason Chan when in its highest form is pure nature or consciousness in movement developed for our current epoch in transforming all levels of physical, mental, emotional and consciousness.

A water sommelier, water researcher, trained by the late, great Dr Emoto in water & consciousness (Hado) to investigate the true nature of water, a water future technologist, water entrepreneur architecting water solutions that emulate nature’s principles of harmony, rhythm and dynamic flow and a cofounder of the ‘Fellowship of the Spring’, a cadre of water guardians and protectors created to educate and inspire water guardianship. 

An international speaker and storyteller on water related issues inspired by the Kahuna Kalani Souza in Hawai’i alongside the crystallographer Veda Austin to begin ‘Water Stories’ in weaving a trans-disciplinary, multidimensional story approach with forgotten and traditional wisdoms alongside new water science to accelerate new water understanding and exposure into mainstream thinking. 

He is currently working on a mobile biodynamic water research facility. He still flies jets. 



Sun in Cancer, Moon in Gemini, Scorpio Rising



Cosmology, Water, Movement, Speaking, Researching, Aviation, Conscious Leadership